Thursday, January 5, 2012

Running on Ice Tip


  1. I'm not a big fan of the yak trax, or other piton systems. Here, most of the time, there is either large bare patches with occasional bits of granite hard ice. I find the yak trax don't do much for either. But if you've got lots of hard packed snow, they're perfect.

    Nice scarf.

  2. That's too bad they don't work for you -- I successfully use them for glare-ice-skating-pond like conditions and I've never had a problem. Thanks for the compliment. :)

  3. I bought a pair of yak trax a couple of years back on your suggestion...haven't tried running with them

  4. Hey Shannon -- you know the brutal thing is how many runs I've done where I am in the middle of it and am thinking, "Crap! Why didn't I put them on?!" LOL -- when I remember to put them on they work. :)
